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Lifelong access to all courses, certificates, and resources - SAVE 53%
Lifelong access to all courses, certificates, and resources - SAVE 53%


Train and certify your team in today's most demanded technical skills

Get started

Why W3Schools?

Custom plans
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Bulk purchases step by step

Step 1: Purchase

Browse, find and purchase the courses and exams that you need.

Step 2: Order confirmation and tokens

Recieve your order confirmation with your invoice and a separate email with tokens. The tokens are links used to claim the courses and certificatons.

Step 3: Distribute

Distribute the tokens to your team.

What's Next?

Now you know how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create, style, and make interactive web pages. The next step is to publish your website,so that the rest of the world can see your work. There are tons of hosting services to choose from. We have made one for you, for free: