Django Certification Exam
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
"It’s a very good platform for learning. Breaks each step down and it’s so easy to understand , you can also learn, write and run code on the go as it has ide(run environment) that are integrated into the browser. I highly recommend!!!"
-Ahmed Y.
"Perfect e-learning course for beginners. The training is very well structured together with quizes after almost every lesson. Great job! I really enjoyed it!"
-Jan K.
"It was fun learning html with w3schools. An amazing experience. Simple,clear, and concise, easy to learn tutorials, exercises and 'try it yourself ' as a tool of measure of understanding."
-Gerald O.
Use the W3Schools Certification Program to validate and document your competence.The exams are adaptive and graded from intermediate to professional to advanced.
Passing the exams grants you the Certified Developer certificate in the respective technology.
Exam fee: | $95 |
Exam level: | Foundational |
Number of questions: | Adaptive, 60 on average |
Requirement to pass: | Minimum 40% - Intermediate level |
Time limit: | 60 minutes |
Number of attempts to pass: | Three |
Exam deadline: | None |
Certification Expiration: | None |
Format: | Online, multiple choice |
Number of certificates: | 1 |
Certificate name: | Certified Django Developer |
Certification skill level: | Intermediate (40%), Advanced (75%) and Professional (90%) |
Certification Expiration: | Never |
Yes! If you are not satisfied with your purchase on W3Schools Campus, you can get your money back within 14 days from the day of your purchase.
It's simple. If you are not 100% satisfied with the course, you can get your money back, as long as no exam attempts are used. Our refund policy.
If you are a beginner and want to learn, you should buy the course. If you already have a lot of experience within HTML development, and only want to take the certification exam, you should buy the certificate exam instead of course.
Courses are a structured collection of text-based modules and interactive exercises. In courses you also get a personal progress overview that tracks your progress and makes sure you resume where you last left off.
In all our courses you also get the appropriate certificate exam and certificate for free with your course purchase.
A W3Schools certificate is a display of knowledge you get from passing a certificate exam. The certificate will be in your name and can be shared on your resume and social media to help document and show off your knowledge as a developer.
Employers and friends can check if the certificate is authentic using the link or QR code for the certificate.
W3Schools Certificates are trusted by the top companies and institutions worldwide. We are the largest web developer learning site in the world.
There is no waiting time.
Immediately after completing your purchase you are sent an email link which gives you instant access to the exam.
There are three different levels: intermediate, advanced and professional.
The certificate will be issued in your name, and its authenticity can be verified through W3Schools by using the unique link or QR code provided with it.